Friday, June 30, 2006
mr quek thinks that pearlyn's cute lah
no wonder he didn't scold her when she told him that she didn't like him
if you don't give my football back, i'm gonna take it home from you
Thursday, June 29, 2006
MM's started alr, but i didn't go to the opening performance
A2 sang first
lucky shits. and my class has to go on Saturday morning, of all days
anywayy, today was kinda slack
bio teacher left her notes in A2 while waiting for us. dumbbbbbb
and then A2 locked the door
so we were just like drawing cell structures which is kinda unecessary because we've alr learnt all of that in P5/6
Miss Chan's dad's office is just right smack opposite TRL!!!
cool right?
i think that gayle can sing, but not as well as others
but then again, i pretty much have issues with anyone who's name is gail or for that matter, sounds like gail
finshed watching "The Ring Two"
it's exciting, not scary, but exciting
tmr, i have to wake up at like 7 and then bathe and whatever then meet jiahui at hougang
then go to cheryl's hse earlier than the others "/
so early, and i don't wanna wake up so early lah
it's so cute. got three parts one
- the two cute boys start naming players and the players come out
- they play football and get scolded by the boys if they screw up a goal or something
- the boys who owns the ball has to go inside cause his mommy's scolding him alr; the PRO players can't play street soccer anymore
my favourite one is number one!!
because that's the start of the whole "IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING" thing
noveau naif
i think that the next few pictures are very nice.
because nature doesn't pose for the camera and these ppl don't too

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
there's a guy called Ashh on my tagboard
but i'm not the julia that he was looking for.
walking home
i've observed that st. gabe's boys are
i saw some ACS boys playing soccer on a small narrow lane. that's prettty dumb, i say
i'm tricia's lab pard and she's mine! ok whatever. anyhoos, we were studying the ink patterns under the microscope and our green and black one was WILD
tricia likes the pink and orange one, i think
our bio teacher's supposedly "understanding" right
and brought my cute bottle to school. miss chan likes it, sam kang likes it, gladys likes it, tricia likes it. and best of all, I LOVE IT!!!
good nutes, today no maths
another good nute, english was FUN!! with pearlyn i guess; head lolling, brain shrinking, muscles losing strength.
HOHO! english is fun
i will not talk about art, because that was stupid.
pearlyn told mr quek that she "hated his face". seriously, she told him that. and he looked at her, and didn't say anything. hmmm we shld try that one day ((:
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
i've gotta new skin!!!
anyhoos, today, really tiring
and yet, maths wasn't much of the killer that i'd thought it'd be
i'm getting fatter man
and my lucky underwear colour is YELLOW!!!
here's a 3 question quiz
Pls bold the option of your choice
1. What is your favourite shoe brand?
2. What is your favourite bag brand?
3. Which one is the most inspirational
ok, that was lame
leow's lesson tmr
bummer :/
bye tootie pie poofs!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
so now i can't go to my DGL'S hse with my churchmates
mom wants me to stay home, pack my room and read more books
obviously, that is not a suggestion
it's a chore
and it's funny that gabriel tagged
long time no see
think my sister asked him to, on msn
i need to change my skin
it's bland
8th & ocean ((:
i've just realised that my mommy is real nice(:
she lets me use the comp up to
4 times a day (:
and she buys nice things for me (:
ok, neeed to find a new skin
if not, hopefully, make one D:
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
just missed the train
i saw lydia
ytd at the mrt station,
i don't know if she recognised me, BUT
she stood real close
and she was, of all things
reading her
science text booktsk,
jarron jarron jarron
if you read my previous post, you'd know what i'm talking bout
tag at my board yeah?
FAYE!!! i miss her
for daddy's day, YF performed XD
we sang 'Who Am I' Casting crowns
and we lead worship in the sanctuary!!!
foshizzle my drizzle ((:
i really wanna get the adidas shirt
BRASil one
kah jun has one
in the mean time, comtinue watching football
it's good for you
apple time is nice (:
Monday, June 19, 2006
PL sec 1 debators beat
RI debate teamdon't we girls rock?
i know we do
i think that jarron is the cutest sec1 boy that has ever existed!!!!
he's so cute
like hammy
then i waved at him and he smiled
and then he sat behind me in the sanctuary
this is so NOT a crush yeahh?
it's not like we've never talked to each other before
we WERE in the same sunday school
but now
i've realised how cute he is cause he's shorter than me
shortie-pok lah you
cute cute thingy
do you guys notice the monster in my tagboard??
sho cute right?
i think i should have more apple time ((:
Saturday, June 17, 2006
ha ha
new blog
my aunt pam wouldn't put those cigarretes down
and now my lil cousin smoking those cigarretes now
and he's losing his joob cause they think he's too niggerish now
or maybe cause his skins darker than licorice now
but i'm sticking around
uh, and i hear em say
nothing's ever promised tomorrow today, but we'll find a way