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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Debbie's attending this "Top walk" thing. And because of that, she cancelled drum lessons D:
DEBBIE POO POO! You stinky girl, I wanna finish learning "Shut up" luh. And, thank you for helping me ask that qeuestion. Thank you loads (: study hard for Eoys yah? TAKE CARE!!!!

I guess that part was for debbie :/ weird. I never say 'take care' to her

SHOBI!!!! Study hard too (: stay happy yah? Don't get too depressed ok? FORGET ABOUT THE PAST! do your best stinky poo (:

and that's about it.

Take care yo suga mamas. Bring the funk in studying :D

I seriously, dunno why I'm so high. JIAHUI!!! I need to tell you something (: Something happened at the train station today ((:


Friday, September 29, 2006

This new skin looks nice, but it looks kinda auntie-ish from far. D:

Anyhoos, if you go home from the back gate, you would know that you have to sign out on this peice of paper, because, apparently, some people played truant by fooling the guard, saying that they were allowed to go home early because they were Sec 4s and their exams had finished.

Well, I wouldn't blame 'em.

Once again, the test was ok :D But I totally flunked the vocabulary section. Oh yeahh, yesterday, Miss Chan bought us this cake for Children's day. HEE (: It was a nice chocolate fudge brownie cake :D One of my favourite ice cream flavours. THANK YOU MISS CHAN! AND HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

A lot of stupid things are happening today.
  1. SCV thingum's not working
  2. There was a fuse in my house and only in my house
  3. The computer has gone whacko and now, the screen has turned into ultra-large grandma panty size. Making me have to scroll up and down just to get from the top of the page, to the bottom
  4. SCV's not working D:
  5. Did I mention that the SCV's not working?


So, since the SCV's not working, I have no cable. Because I have no cable I can't watch a whole load of good shows on Channel 18, 19, 20, 32, 33, 58 and 60.
RAWR! I feel like I'm dead. Anybody who knows me well, should know that everyday, I should have at least 3 hours of bonding time with the tv.

Thanks Nicole, for letting me borrow your Yellowcard cd (:

There's nothing like sunbathing with a good tequila

Your Fashion Style is Urban

You've got a style all your own... and it works
Not too trendy, not too freaky - you've got streetwear down to a science
You always look cute and put together, but keep it comfortable too
You're the type of girl that creates trends and inspires others to be funky

You Are More Like Angelina Jolie

Bad girl with a heart of gold.
You are smart, sexy, and strong willed.
You aren't against stealing another girl's man...
If he's better off with you!


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Test was pretty ok. :D

Mommy thinks I'm childish because I told her that I felt like running around in the park, playing catching with my friends. Well, I for one, DO NOT think that playing catching is childish, at least for someone who's an end-of-the-year kid Anyway, I can't wait for the exams to be over so that we can all HAVE FUN & PLAY!!!

Here's a quiz thinga majig

Full Name: Julia Lam Miao En.

Birthday: 29 December 1993

Birthplace: Singapore

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black.

Height: 152 plus. Not really clear about that

Weight: PRIVATE.

Right handed or Left handed?: Right

Your Heritage: Singaporean

Worst Habits: Lying, Cursing, Laughing at People.... the list is neverending

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Shoe Size: 6

Pants Size: I have absolutely no idea, and i'm lazy to check

Innie or Outie?: a little bit of both :D

Parents Still Together?: YES, just that daddy's in Vancouver D:

Shoes You Wore Today: Sneakers

Your Weakness: Chinese, being distracted whenever/wherever there's a tv

Your Fears: Lizards, People who look demented

Your Perfect Pizza: banana,marshmallow and chocolate pizza (:

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Go on a $10 000 shopping spree

Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: whatever/no/ eh wah lou

Thoughts First Waking Up: If i pretend to be sick, i won't have to go to school

Your Best Physical Feature: Eyes. That's what homie's say

Your Bedtime: depends on my energy level, sometimes i sleep through dinner

Your Most Missed Memory: P6


Favorite color?: Red :D

Food?: Lasagne,Roti Prata, Fries, Hotdogs

Sport?: Badminton,Track. I suppose playing nooball with deb, pea and chev is fun :D

Animal?: dogs, cows, sheep, pigs


Candy?: nerds, maomi, peanut butter sweet, jawbreaker


Salad Dressing?:Thousand Island

Actor?: Queen Latifah, Beyonce Knowles,

Song?: De Ja Vu by Beyonce Knowles feat. Jay-z

Letter?: J


Holiday?: CHRISTMAS!

Season?: Winter.

Toothpaste Flavor?: Mint.

Radio Station?: Power 98

Perfume?: Be delicious DKNY.

Scent besides perfume?: Apples.

Body part on the opposite sex?: Guy's shoulder; Broad or not?.

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I have no clue yet .

How Do You Want To Die?: The way people died in "The Day After Tomorrow", or to be raptured

Turn ons: Humour, Whackiness

Turn offs: People that aren't wanted

Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: No one. We're all really different.

Who's The Loudest?: Anisha

Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Deb,Pea,Delane and the rest of the gang. Sivvy's kinda funny. OK, ALL OF THE FUNNY LD PEOPLE :D

Who Have You Known The Longest?: Gabriel, Matthias & Lucas. HAHA, all my childhood friends were GUYS!!!

Who's The Shyest?: Michelle, that one has a serious laughing problem

When Have You Cried The Most?: P6 night/ when i dream of scary things like my friends being disgusting with each other.

What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Falling in Love

Worst Feeling?: Thinking someone likes you, but they actually don't.

Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: NYC BABEH!!!

If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Where i live. I badly wanna go to the Big Apple :D

How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: I've always told people that the world would end soon, because i think it will. so i think i'll die at 27


Let's walk on the: stage

Let's look at the: crowd

What a nice: weather

Where did all the: good tv programmes go?

Why can't we: eat?

Silly, little: Paul

Isn't it weird that: I haven't had an actual conversation with Paul?

Never under any circumstance: forget your cell phone

I wish: i could be 17 now

Everyone has a: crush

I am: sleepy. -YAWN

Been In Love?: Durh

Been To Juvie?: I'm not such a BAD person. I know that killing people and stuff like that is wrong

Mooned Someone?: No.

Been Rejected?: Yes

Ran Away From Home?: i wouldn't. cause i couldn't sleep in my bed and watch my tv

Pictured Your Crush Naked?: duh (:

Skipped School?: no, i think school's kinda fun. no one actually pays attention

Thought About Suicide?: yeahh, but never thought about doing it

Slept Outside?: uh huh

Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yes, most of the time

Cried In School?: uh huh.

Thrown Up In School?: nope. i've only thrown up once in my whole life, and that was when i drank too much clam chowder

Wanted To Be a Model?: YESSS!!! why do you think i'm such an ANTM addict?

Cheated On Someone?: i don't think so.

Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yes. many things

Seen A Dead Body?: yupp

Been Bitched Out?: duh (:

Drank Alcohol?: YES.

Been On Drugs?: only medication

Eaten Sushi?: how can anybody not?

Been On Stage?: YES.

Gone Skinny Dipping?: not yet :D

Shoplifted?: no, that's just wrong man, i've got money

Been Drunk?:once or twice

Been Called A Tease?: NOOO!

Been Beaten Up?: yes

Swear?: hell yeah

Sing Well?: i think so (:

Shower Daily?: skipped a bath once or twice.

Want To Go To College?: yupp

Want To Get Married?: yes.

Believe In Yourself?: always

Get Motion Sickness?: yeahh, when i'm in the back seat

Think You Are Attractive?: YES!!!! HAHA -ego

Get Along With Your Parents?: most of the time

Like Thunderstorms?: ABSLOLUTELY LOVE EM

Play An Instrument?: drums, piano, a bit of guitar

Pray?: durh :D

Go To Church?: durh (: what would life be without the Big Guy?

Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: uh huh, just that i usually wake up to find them strewn all over the floor

Keep A Journal/Diary?: no, lazy to write

Dance In The Rain?: uh huh

Sing In The Shower?: yup

Pepsi or Coke?: Coke

McDonald's or Burger King?: Macs anyday

Single or Group Dates?: depends on who i'm dating.

Chocolate or Vanilla?: vanilla.

Strawberries or Blueberries?: neither

Meat or Veggies?: MEAT!!

TV or Movie?: Movie

Guitar or Drums?: depends on my mood

Adidas or Nike?: what item are you selling? bag, shoe, sportswear?

Chinese or Mexican?: Mexican

Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Cheerios

Cake or Pie?: depends on the flavour.

MTV or VH1?: MTV.Don't they show VH1 on Mtv?! -__-

Blind or Deaf?: Blind

Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers

Do The Splits?: NOPE

Write With Both Hands?: nuh uh

Whistle?: sometimes

Blow A Bubble?: with what? my saliva or a bubble blowing kit?

Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: it's in the genes

Cross Your Eyes?: YA LUH!!!

Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yep.

Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: CAN'T


Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: Yes


You Touched: This guy on the train that bumped into me

You Talked To On The Phone: Jiahui

You Instant Messaged: DEBS

You Hugged: i can't remember

You Yelled At: my sister

You Played A Sport With: PE, friday

Time You Laughed?: i laugh everyday, probably a few minutes ago

Time You Cried?: when Paul got out.

Movie You Watched?: The Devil Wears Prada

Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Strawberry

Joke You Told?: Why did tigger look into the toilet bowl

Song You've Sung?: Ring The Alarm -Beyonce

Where Are You?: at home

What Can You See Out Your Window?: houses

Are You Listening To Music?: Lose Control -Missy Elliot ft. Ciara (The Cookbook)

What Are You Wearing?: orange tee, jeans

What's On Your Mousepad?: PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN!!!

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: YESS. Somehow i just do

Do you believe in miracles?: YES

Magic?: YES.

Love at first sight?: YES

God?: YES! :D

Satan?: YES

Ghosts?: YES (:

Santa: YUP. But he can't come into Singapore

Evolution?: I think so

Fav Eye Color: Grey

Fav Hair Color:Brown/Black

Short or Long Hair: Preferably, his hair will suit his personality
Height: Pauls height

Weight: Heavier than me.

Best Clothing Style: Paul's style

What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Rome

Number Of CD's I Own: CAN'T COUNT

Your Good Luck Charm: i don't believe in luck

How many pillows do you sleep with?: THREE!!
Do you drink milk?: i hate it plain

Person You Hate Most: i won't say

Most Outdated Phrase: JEEWHEELICKERS

Do you think God has a gender?: i think he's a man

Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven.

How many rings until you answer the phone?: one. I'll run to it

What is something scientists need to invent?: Time Portals

Are you a health freak?: no

If you could travel into space, where would you go?: i would just like to float around by myself

What is the best weather?: I love it when it rains. And i like thunderstorms too. The colour turns a nice grey, sometimes when it's really bad,
it turns a darkish green

How many grades have you failed?: chinese


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I really shouldn't be blogging, considering Eoys are around the corner. But, I went to Iris' blog and wanted to take one of her many quizzes -__- If you know that I'm not studying, try coming over to my hse, and KICK MY BUTT!

Choose one. Ur dream bf/gf.
1. Dark or fair?
Paul's skin tone. But his skin's fair right?

2. Short or tall?
Tall, duh.

3. Fat or thin?
Paul's skinny (:

4. With specs or w/o?
Paul doesn't look cute in specs

5. Caring or understanding?
I don't know, both?

6. Rich or poor?
As long as I'm happy being with him, it don't matter :D

7. Play any sports or not?
HELL YEAH. I don't want someone who's a wimp.

8. Cute or pretty?
Guys can't be pretty. And most people think that Paul's cute, so yeah.

9. JC, POLY or ITE?
JC. But, Paul's going to Poly :/

10. Gentle or rough?
Gentle. I don't want him shoving me around.

11. Restaurant or coffeeshop?
Restaurant. Usually there's air conditioning luh

12. Beach or arcade?

13. Hilarious/shy or Romantic/sweet?
Paul makes people laugh! But he sure isn't shy (:

1. Are u a gal or boy?

2. Single or attached?
Single (: I'm an independent woman y'know

3. Smoke or drink?

4. Night or day?
Night. It's much funner that way.

5. School or work?

6. Black or white?

7. Short or tall?
Depends who you compare me to :D, if it's Jiahui...

8. Dance or sing?
BOTH! They just go together.

9. Happiness or money?
HAPPINESS. duh, everyone knows that answer. BUT! If I had money, I suppose I'd be JOLLY right?

10. Rnb, Reggae, Rock, Metal, Techno or Emopunk?


Monday, September 25, 2006

Hello everybody! I'm in a seriously good mood, because, Hady won SI! YAY! HAHA. Knew that Jonathan fans would walk home sad, one way or another. However, this time wasn't very exciting, they didn't bring alot of suspense. They just rushed straight into the results, maybe it was because they didn't have alot of time.

Paul performed his song real well :D Dance dance by Fall Out Boy really suits his voice range. Still beaming and boasting about Hady's win to my sister because she was rooting for Jonathan. Lol (: She's in her "moaning" stage now.

ANTM is so freaking funny and every season it just gets funnier :D I think that Gina should just get out of the competition because she seems so insecure about herself. She's like a disgrace to all Asians. Anisha, if you're reading this, I am not a PAI KIA ok?

Gina finally gets out.

You Are Downtown

You're a funky spirit that requires freedom to live.
Your city girl persona needs adventure, diversity, and great pizza.


You Are a Total Girlie Girl

You love looking good, and wooing men with your womanly ways.
You're so feminine, men are in awe of you ... which is a very good thing.

Erm, I still think boys suck. And I'm not much of a girlie girl though :/


Saturday, September 23, 2006

i actually dream about weird stuff everyday, consistently
one time, i dreamt that me and some of my friends went to America for an exchange programme
so i we went there and lived in this really big house which we totally trashed
then, when it came to school, we started taking advantage of the teachers, and took control of the whole entire school
Weird huh?!

anyhoos, i think i'm beginning to suck at playing the drums
i love playing the drums. but i dunno what's happening to me recently. :/

lazy to post the quiz that delane tagged me to do D:
YAY! studying science is fun
i'm starting to behave like Anisha, talking to herself and everything
but it works luh, cause i'm an audio and kinetic learner
I used to do that when i was in P4 studying for streaming
but people thought that i was contributing to noise polution
so i stopped

julia BUCK UP
i really need to focus, so that i can play better
i took a sweet from malam today
ANISHA, i'm not a pai kia nor potential pai kia (said it her way)
i think that the the mutt guy (David) is so much better than your stupid Patrick (:
who repeated K2 just because he's fillipino :/
HOW DUMB, how hard can k2 be man?

you're a regular decorated emergency


Friday, September 22, 2006

somehow, i don't feel like going for drum lessons with D anymore :/
it's such a drag now
i think i'ma switch to playing the electric guitar
then debbie can go ask chevvone to take my place :D
and we'll all be much happier (:

Anisha wants me to go for something with her, because has a certain sort of access to that something
but i'd rather stay at home and watch the something on tv
because if i go, i'll look like a desperate lil' shit
and i'm not so desperado
HAHA! that's the title of a movie and a song (the one that Hady sang)

i had a really weird dream yesterday when i took a nap,n and today, while i was sleeping during the paper.
i had a dream, and i REPEAT that it's a dream ok?
nothing is true, it will never be true, cause it goes against some people's beliefs and what not.
so, i slept and dreamt that there were these two bungs behind me kissing, (no offence to lesbians, there's nothing wrong with that)
guess who they were?
the most unexpected people on earth
and i know that if they read this, they'll punch me
but they are jeannica and pearlyn

i was totally shocked when i saw that
and they were baking some cake together and it was totally absurd
i felt like puking
then i turned to the front and saw grace caines and king eight eggs holding hands, looking reallly happy and contented D:
and so besides that, the world was like a bung paradise

then the 2nd dream that i dreamt was that i went to look for a dictionary during the exam and when i came back to the classroom, everybody was dead because they'd been shot in the head by a teacher. There were only two survivors ,Mabel&Jiayee -_-
i was crying so badly in the 2nd dream
and i was crying real badly after i'd woken up from the 1st dream

anyhoos, on a lighter note,i miss the tomboy D:
FALALA(: working with amisha, melissa, cheryl and michelle is really FUNNY
anisha believes that i'll grow up and marry a certain type of malay guy
you know what? I believe that she'll grow up and marry Patrick!!! (what a stupid name)

anw, gotta go do other stuff. BUH BYE DUDETTES!!!
and we were all shouting "CHER! CHER! CHER!"


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Things have gotten kinda weird
Some people that i don't know are adding me
And i found out that there's this guy who i don't even know exists
And he added me, i don't even know his freaking name and he's like 17
WTH?! and those pai kia people banged into me again and asked me to buy their ice cream -_-
I don't even know them and they've asked me to buy their ice cream twice
It's kinda weird that we're talking about these kinda things that are totally not relevant to me or you

I think the watch that jeannica's parents bought for her is nice :D
Yes anisha, i knew that Paul, Nurul, Gayle and Emilee went for a cruise together
It's a bit weird though, one guy and three girls?!
Wonder what went on
HAHA(: kidding

Haven't been mugging for the past few days and i think it all boils down to ME
I've been sleeping earlier and earlier for the past few days

you got my temperature rising like, El-ninyo (:


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I just did that to irritate Elyssa, because I know that she's trying to stop using hiatus and instead, type heeaatursshh (:
Sometimes i think that my TLL facts bore everyone out -_-
But if you really sit for the class and listen to the teacher, it all makes a 110% sense
Tomorrow, we've gotta sit for chinese oral, think i'ma totally flunk the whole freaking thing

I missed ANTM yesterday :/
And it's one of my all-time favourite shows. how sad
Project Runway's back, and one contestant from the previous seasons came back!!! Try guessing people (:

You see iris, not every guy that you have an eye on is perfect :D
And d'you know why he got a red card?
It's because he stomped on somebody's foot!!! how stupid
Ok, if i continued to publish that, Iris would hit me on the head repeatedly with a stick on Sunday.
I don't even understand why she likes Ballack.
It's not like he's handsome like Christiano or anything.
He looks like he's got a dislocated jaw, freaky
Maybe I look at Ballack the way she looks at Paul(:
At least we both think that Hady deserves to win SI more than Jonathan.
OH! She also thinks that Hady's handsome. Weird person, that Iris girl

too little, too late :D


Saturday, September 16, 2006

today was an UNLUCKY day for me
i totally screwed up for science tuition
i said alot of totally wrong answers-like "Nitric Acid is an alkaline"
LIKE HELLO?! everyone in the friggin world knowsthat nitric acid has the word acid in it
and then my teacher was like "Julia, FOCUS!!!"

obviously i wasn't focusing, and i got alot of my MCQ answers wrong :/

anw, debbie was late for drum class because she went shopping with chevrolet :D
and she wanted to buy earrings -__- for some formal occasion in her church
and chevrolet wanted to buy a halter neck top
so while they were shopping, i was cooped up at home, watching the VMAs
pretty retarded, this year's one...
BRENDON URIE cannot, i repeat CANNOT sing live
like, totally off pitch man
The Raconteurs were better :D


so i went there like a few minutes before debs arrived
and AGAIN, i wasn't concentrating
i couldn't even play the beats that i'd learnt properly
and i could tell the Zu knew that i wasn't focusing
cause he seemed MORE patient than he usually was
and then after he left the room, i started playing properly, still missing a few beats
and we didn't even know that he was standing outside, listening to us play luh

ok ANYWAY, the point is that debs played MUCH better than me this week
and i basically SUCKED, big time ok, i'm not THAT much of a loser
or maybe "Shut Up" by Simple Plan is too much of a killer

then when i was walking home, these three guys came up to me
TTG:Is this Geylang?
M: Er, no. Geylangg's quite far away from here
TTG: So this is Geylang arh!
M: NO, it isn't.
TTG: OK, thank you for telling us that this is Geylang

i tell you, they are DUMB MAN
rahh D:
how can we have such stupid people in our modern and developed society?!

ok, this is a msg for those people that want Jon Leong to win SI
i think that Jonathan has stayed constant throughout the show
if you think about it, he sounds and moves the same from the beginning till now
except that his singing is better pitched
other than that, he's neutral, lukewarm, whatever you wanna call it

Hady, on the other hand, can handle different types of genres
and although hasn't improved drastically like jasmine, was asked to compare himself to professional singers
he also has much more groove than jon, if you look at his moves on stage, he seems very natural and relaxed :D
jon leong only has a pretty voice
hady also sings his songs in a light and breezy manner
if you ask me, i would rather have a good singer to represent singapore
than to have a change in the race of the SI winner

let's go away from SI, because it reminds me of Paul
and it makes me sad, thinking of him crying on Gurmit's shoulder
being sad and all :/

ok, i miss the TOMBOY!!!!
her specs are so cute!!!
and she's so "handsome" (:
ok, BUH BYE GUYS!!! pray for Paul


Thursday, September 14, 2006

Rockstar Supernova
they just like sugarmelt your heart <33
and i miss Paul so effing much :/
like, i didnt even watch SI properly ytd,
twas watching one of my favourite shows, ROCKSTAR SUPERNOVA!!!!
whooo hooo, finals were ytd and today's the results
actually i think it's over alr, but we were in school when the finals were showing
i seriously miss Paul, and i'm afraid that Toby won't win Rockstar
i saw fatla today, YAY! got a chance to to say hello to my AHMA!!!

i think i totally screwed oral
twas drifting away, talking about how guys can get chicks by showing them their Tai Chi moves, like WTH?!
ok, not in the mood for blogging
i can't wait for exams to be over because i CAN'T WATCH JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE

BUH BYE PEOPLE!!! SAY!-credits to Paulie Waulie
time with the striped stinky boy


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm listening to my sister's usher album on itunes
long time no hear that album :D
and i sorta reminds me of last year
when shobi was super crazy about alicia keys and usher (:
sugarmelting times
i used to be like really close to the indian girls
and one time Poh asked us to go to the library
we sat at one of the shelves and they started telling me about this Indian Ghost story called "Boot"
and i would get kinda freaked out :/
they taught me this indian song too
don't get me wrong, i wasn't like a loner or anything
but like, i totally enjoyed their company
because they were girls who weren't really afraid to do anything
ecspecially sukanya -__-

ME:You know what? I think that we really get along with the indian girls well
FRIEND: YOU LUH!!! Recently you're very close to them
ME: HAHAHAHA :D (continues laughing hysterically and runs off with my friend to recess and play our commentating game about Prissy and her badminton friends who always played ball)

anyhoos, so far, 6GE days have been the best days of my life
and all of the 6GE '05 PL people agree.
duh :D
I miss calling Prissy my AHMA :/
falalala, shall go call her that tmr if i see her ((:
ME: AHMA!!! zou hao hao(as you can see, my chinese sucks luh)
FRIEND&AHMA: it's hao hao zou luh. aiyoh!!!

LOL (:
and i remember walking home with Prissy after school :D
and she's so cute!!!!
holding all her billabong stuff :D

ok, hope for the best for SI, because nows about like 7:43
gotta go eat my dinner :D


Sunday, September 10, 2006

ok, maybe i'm slow
but Paul was asked to be the host of mtv's "Whatever things"
I think that show's like, kinda dumb
But if Paul acccepts, then that's good right?
ok, i really don't know much about this
but they say that there's more info about this on tk
i can't really find it
but just go check it out (:

how effing sad :(
we started learning the intro of Simple Plan's "Shut Up"
and i wanted to complete the song so BADLY

ok, not in the mood for blogging
all the best Paul!!! :D
lotsa love,
Julia (:

going for a joy ride with funkilicious tomboy
SAY!!! -Paul's copyrighted word


Friday, September 08, 2006

Decay Dance
Twohill got out.
he said that he would've sang a Panic! At the disco song next week
he wrote it down and planned already
because Panic's like at the top of the emo charts.
was kinda wishing that he's sing "Build God then we'll talk"
BUT, we can still chat with him on saturday!!!!

The funny boy's outta the competition
so...the competition will be much more BORING
ken already said that he's got the most identity (:
durh :D

even the fashion police said that with Paul gone
style is gone!!
because he's the only one who stays true to his style no matter what genre!!! :D
and he said that Jasmine is growing fatter and the stylist is making her look older.
and that she looks like a teacher in a PTA meeting


Thursday, September 07, 2006


good eye sniper
i shoot you run

yes, jon ng took part on the 98.7 radio championships thingy
and my sister was like "VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!"
and i'm like "like hello?! i don't even talk to him often"

in case you don't know, he's in my church
and all the guys and girls go balistic when they know he's on air


why don't they go balistic when Paul's on air?
I'd rather vote for PAUL TWOHILL!!!
1900 112 1903
or sms 3 to 43657 (:
no offence jon :D
let's all hope for the best
we have to

and i don't listen to 98.7
i only listen when the Idols are being interviewed.
and even so, i can get the interview on the singapore idol website
no biggy

Paul's fly was unzipped
and all the Paul fans saw :D


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

i went for a hot air ballon ride (:
you know, the one that the Idols went on, yeah.
then i went for lunch at the Seoul Garden in Bugis
realised that we hadn't bought the tickets so after we finished eating, we went down to buy tickets to see "BARNYARD"
not bad, but not VERY good either

then later, we went to the Plaza Singapura golden village
OMG i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOVE that show
go catch it :D

i wanna watch "John Tucker Must Die"
nice show. very high school-ish (:
lalala :D
ANTM was superb. i knew that Nenna was gonna rock
was kinda rooting for her since the beginning
i dunno, since daddy came back from capetown, South Africa
i'm been pretty obsessed with patterns
stripes in particular (:
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
see how pretty they are?

and, i've realised that i'm always rooting for the non-white people
not that i'm trying to be racist or anything
cycle 4 i was rooting for naima.
her father's black mexican indian
and her momma's black irish (: ( guess what? she won)
cycle 5, i was rooting for nik :D

ok, back to the point.
after that, we just walked around
didn't talk much because i was thinking about waht Paul was gonna perform
stressed luh
what if he didn't recover from his flu?

and his franz ferdinand song was kick ass!!!!
prefered the first song really
the second one was like.... weird, totally not his style
no Paul, don't wear checkers!!!
cause it don't fit you
you look sexier in stripes
so go with the stripey flow ((:

that's all for today, but remember to call
1900 112 1903
or sms
3, to 43657!!! (:
asta lavista ________


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

danity kane performed at TRL yesterday (: -smiles
aubrey's hot :D

And Fergie's at number 6 on the countdown!!! :D the dutchess is in the house
ashlee simpson looks so pretty now (:
and her music video is SMASHING!!!!
and the Public affair video is just plain dumb
it's so retarded luh
but eva longoria's inside (:
I DO think that ashlee's prettier than jessica

i really dunno why i'm posting all this stuff about celebs that i like
not that i like jessica, it's just that i think her video was retarded.

outkast is preforming now (:
their songs are always so.... unique :D


Sunday, September 03, 2006

when he says the "Don't wanna meet your daddy, just want you in my caddy, Don't wanna meet your mama, just wanna make you come"
and the shake it shake shake it shake it part. HAHA
he can totally shake luh!!!
and jasmine is doing such a lame action at the shake it part
just watch the video
to anisha: WHO THE HECK IS MOUSIE? anm, glad you're forgetting Paul!!! :D


Saturday, September 02, 2006

i like the part whe he says "too many sleepless nights" AHAHAHAHA
Sounded like he had alot of conviction. (:
And i think Florence is wrong because he sang ON PITCH just that his energy level was low. It wasn't the genre.

and about the national day episode, it's because i like his permed hair
try catching the part where he walks down the stage snapping his fingers :D
effing sexy

The world looks pretty today.

The idols must be really busy nowadays because they have to practice for PSC and their songs and everything.
I think Michelle Chia sounds friendly (:
ok whatever.

Yesterday i was stuffing myself with Chachos at Uncle Peter's new condo.
Half watching Charmed on the 42 inch LCD tv, half playing snakes on my daddy's phone.
My sister was at church rehearsing for PTL
I'm supposed to be there now attending PTL, but NOOO. I'm at home, waiting for 4:45 to come so i can leave for United Square.

I like it when Paul wears STRIPED tees.
Which is almost every week (:
Anisha should know, cause i started crushing on Jeab when i found out that he wore striped tees almost everyday.
I like guys who wear stripes :D

It's almost predictable that Paul might get out next week
Because he's the weakest vocally in the competition.
Then again, he has great, fantabulous personality :D
That's why all the girls LOVE HIM!!!!
today, again, my post has totally no substance.
so again, just flush it outta your head like poo :D

YA!What's wrong man.... It's love (:



Julia :D
I've got mad friends that's pretty


Mr Timberlake and Mr Miller
Kanye West, Pharell Williams
Fergie, Beyonce
All things chocolate-ey and sweet (:

Ybed monsters


Ymonster talk


Reality is harsh. Remove these credits and get eaten alive :D

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June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007