Monday, July 31, 2006
the evil gang blog has been created!!! finally something to rejoice about, other than PAUL TWOHILL!
ytd for dinner, we went to seletar air base for dinner. haha, and we were sitting right next to the airplanes and the only thing that seperated us was a small drain and a
wired fence. sivvy says that the sec 1s did well for the sec 4 farewell because we made them cry (: yupp. that's our job, to MAKE PEOPLE CRYYYYYYYYYY!!! sorta like the evil gang doncha think?
no grace, we haven't told yet
being true to yourself, means that you stand up for your own rights and don't follow the mob mentality. even if you are dumb, you can still be dumb and be true to yourself. i'm sure there are other dumb and stupid people out there that will befriend you because you are of the SAME TYPE. get it? now stop all this shit about friendship and get on with your lives peopleok, not much to blog because i wanna blog at the EVILLLLLL BLOGGGGG!!! MUAHAHAHAHA.
we nurture people who have the potential to be EVILLLLLLLLL. whatvr. BUH BYE
Thursday, July 27, 2006
"The Way You Look Tonight"Some day, when I'm awfully low,When the world is cold,I will feel a glow just thinking of youAnd the way you look tonight.You're lovely, with your smile so warmAnd your cheeks so soft,There is nothing for me but to love you,And the way you look tonight.With each word your tenderness grows,Tearing my fears apartAnd that laugh that wrinkles your nose,Touches my foolish heart.Yes you're lovely, never, ever changeKeep that breathless charm.W on't you please arrange it?'Cause I love youJust the way you look tonight.With each word your tenderness grows,Tearing my fears apartAnd that laugh that wrinkles your nose,Touches my foolish heart.Yes you're lovely, never, ever changeKeep that breathless charm.Won't you please arrange it?'Cause I love youJust the way you look tonight.Just the way you look tonight.DarlingJust the way you look tonight. i never realised how much i neglected my jazz cds until i watched SI yesterday. HOHO! real bummer; forgot all about one of my favourite kinds of music. anyway, today, oli's gna perfrom on SI as i absolutely ADORE HER. twas rooting for jessea and oli since the start of the competition :DD BACK TO JAZZ NOW. it's such a cool and calm genre of music, makes my heart sugarmelt (: i've decided to grow my hair out. i guess i'm the kinda person that is MEANT to have long hair. ppl say that it suits my face better.
my mommy says that she'll get me & debbie & chev & Prissy tickets to SI, if I do well for my exams. TSK. pressure's on me luh. i was like "How are you gonna get them?" and her reply was that she knew Ken Lim, good friends last time or something. i have no idea how my parents have so much connections. everywhere i go, there's always someone we know, that'll be there, or rather someone my PARENTS know.
guzheng was kinda fun. behind schedule though. but, all in all, FUN!!!
saw dom on the train today, he was like reading a book and didn't see me. it's funny how everytime i spot a person in public, i'm always the one who sees them, they NEVER EVER seem to be the one to spot me. so i just keep quiet. then i'll tell them where they were, what time and what day & they'll be "EH, are you psychic?"
right. RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! (influence when you sit with pearlyn)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
STUPIDwe did the quiz for the graphs thing & we didn't draw the bracket when we stated the coordinates on the answer sheetsome ppl were worse, they didn't even label the
equation on the graphTSK
and now we're learning inequalities which is a sec 3 topic
rawr, i don't like the education format in Singapore
i think that Nong's really dumb, jiahui, you haven't told me the piece of info that concerns LMB
but WHO CARES, even squashing ants is more important than LMB
Nurul's sister HAS NOT CALLED.
listen up, if you don't call and invite us, how are we supposed to support Nurul? kinda
dumb eh?after schoool was mass prayer cell. after that i ate AGAIN (no wonder i'm gaining so much) rice and egg (: nice food. jiahui ate too :D then we waited and waited for cheryl and anisha but COULDN'T FIND THEM
turned out that they were in class, having gavel
then because of
STUPID debbie, who wanted the magic marker thing so badly, i kena caught by danya cause i pon gaveland Quah was like "HEY! isn't she in gavel? blah blah blah" so damn big mouth luh. shut your damn trap man
we then,
gracefully dragged anisha out of class, because she wasn't even IN gavel. went to the library - crap crap crap
learnt that me and JH have a skill - manipulation (:
that's good ain't it? anisha cries everytime she laughs or jokes about Paul
ok, he may not be
THAT good a singer, but he certainly is HOTdunno luh, even though ppl only see his hair, he
HAS substanceNong is seriously, very very dumb. Managed to clinch DUMBEST PERSON award today
Monday, July 24, 2006
HOHO! okayy, so i went to yet another road show and got all of their autographs, hugged all the guys except jay and got invited to the live show on wednsday by nurul's sister :D how'd we do it? i have absolutely no idea. my old maid has gone and the new one's here :D but it isn't so bad because she's really nice (: she's the first maid who actually bothers to make my bed- trust me my bed's seriously messy. good nutes, my dog's still here, my new maid said that she would be able to take care of the dog ((: that's yet another reason that i like her.
i want a sugaray album (: they ROCK. okayy, so anywayys, huimin asked me to dance for the youth rally, cause like the sec 1s need to participate and be enthu- :D today was VERY SIAO. i dunno why, but i was really high in school.
ok, not funny, BUT STILL retarded. OH WAIT!!! that's supposed to be my speciality ((: right. i badly wanna watch nacho libre and Lady in the Water. nice nice show and d'you know why? BECAUSE, silly, it's a M. Night Shyamalan film. like durh :/
on the first day of christmas my true love gave to me
a piggy that i put on my knee
on the second day of christmas my true love gave to me
two perching parrots
on the third day of christmas my true love gave to me
three french poodles
on the fourth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
four hungry goats
on the fifth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
five golden eggs
on the sixth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
six puppies playing
on the seventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me
seven little bunnies
on the eighth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
eight days of milking
on the ninth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
nine frogs of croaking
on the tenth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
ten slimy worms
on the eleventh day of christmas, my true love gave to me
eleven foot pythons
on the twelfth day of christmas, my true love gave to me
twelve giant turantalas
Thursday, July 20, 2006
OKAYYYYY. nothing much to do at home mainly because nobody's around but me and my doggie :D anywayy, the reason is cause my grannie went to the hospital with and the ambulance came and everything. cool x) okayyy whateverr. anyhoos, my sister went for tution, mommy's i have no clue where, daddy's not in singapore and there's no food on the table. not like i'm poor or anything, it's just that since my maid's at the hospital, SHE COULDN'T COOK. yah?! so i'm hungry, and the only programme i'm allowed to watch now is SI, that's because my mom watches that too. oh yah and PROJECT RUNWAY. i'm feeling like my grannies gonna go off soon. that day when everyone was upstairs, gonna sleep, i went downstairs to grab midnight snack -guilty luh :D okayy, so i passed her room, then she was (in mandarin)
grandma:Miao En! can you pour coffee for them?
and so i looked around -waves frantically :/ LIKE HELLO! there's no one around.... then i said
me: Who are they?
grandma: You cannot see them ah? they're sitting in the living room!!
me: oh, okay
then for a second i thought random thoughts- I can't pour coffee, i can't even make coffee. i mean, i've never ever thought of learning how to.....
back to reality JULIAthen there was another time that she told me, there was a woman with a dagger standing next to her right then, while i was talking to her. i was so freaked cause there seriously was no one standing there. unless i have an eye problem luh. but that's not the point?! the point is that she's hallucinating.
- The amt. of Morphine she's taking causes her to hallucinate
- She's drifting away form reality, in between heaven and earth
- She sees things that are real
AAAHHHH i'm so scared. ggrrrrrr. ok gtg, buh bye dudettes ((:
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

i have no idea who this man is, BUT my dad said that when they were taking this photo, it so happened that the waves crashed and they captured the shot

isn't it wonderful how God created such small things that soar higher than the great things in life? ((:
Monday, July 17, 2006

ok, here are two pictures. debbie hasn't sent me the rest... SEND ME THOSE THAT I TOOK YAH?!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
two of 'em actually.
and guess what? i got many many sooper duper shots of PAUL
we couldn't enter the main thing cause it was too crowded but we stood at the side of the stage so when the idols started signing autographs, we were close enough to see what underwear they were wearing.
on the side that we were standing, jasmine, rahimah, joaquim, hady, jonathan and paul were signing
on the other side, is all the less popular ppl ((:
then whenever we call his name, joaquim will stick out his hand and shake ours, HOW FRIENDLY!!!
the idols are only supposed to sign the first 150 posters but when paul saw how badly we, ppl at the side, wanted an autograph so badly, he took an extra poster from the side, signed it and passed it to us
he was actually passing it to debbie then another girl snatched it
so MEAN MAN @#$%^&!
anywayy, we didn't get an autpgraph, so we rushed to the tampines mall one
oooh, that was a fun one. rowdier, noisier and we saw chev and her friend- smiles :D
hee hee, chevonne so CUTE!!!
yupp and me and debbie got there a bit earlier so we managed to squeeze and push our way to the front ((: we're so smart
then we took pics, but then the stage was much much much further from us than in parkway
but in the tampines one, because we were in front, paul saw us and made the "You naughty naughty girls ah!!" face. and he did superhero poses and funny faces.
some at us, some at other ppl.
AND AND AND!!! me and debs might be on tv (:
cause they asked us to shout into the camera who we supported, of course we support paul luh, so we shouted lor ((:
and gayle's so sweet. when i shouted "GAYLE WE LOVE YOU"
then she smile and pose for my camera and mouth the word "i love you too"
awwww, good kid
at the end of the show, paul, rahimah, hady and joaquim jumped of the stage and started shaking all their fans hands!!!
ah! it's a good thing that we squeezed to the front (:
so all in all, i shook joaquim, jasmine, paul, jonathan, hady and rahimah's hands (:
and do you know that joaquim lifted paul off the ground (:
and rahimah's so cute ((: she did a spunky girl cat walk on stage
HOHO! that's all for today folks
sign my poster pls?
Thursday, July 13, 2006
i think anisha's nice (:
esp since she's like sitting at the seat next to me
momsie says that paul has a nice deep, mysterious voice
GO MOMMY! love you
guzheng sucks luh
it's just horribly wrong to stare at a guy for 35 mins who's balding, bad features, bad complection and anger management issues
i somehow feel like i'm copying pearlyn
dunno luh
anywayy, we had public speaking (PS) today :D
HOHO! his teeth are yellow
how'd i know? i sit in front for english
guess i'm kinda short
stop taking my phrases and go get a lifeok, i need to do my rain gauge stuff.
paul you sexy lil' thing (:
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
ITALY WON!!! ITALY WON!!! i'm so happy that ITALY WON!!!!
ok, i was rooting for them instead of stupid ol' france
i mean like, their shot wasn't even a proper shot lah, knock against the goalpost
whereas, italy, WHOA. their shot so lovely ((:
kick it and a lil' bit of head knocking and the score's 1:1
i mean like, butt heading. come on dude, gimme a break
and some ppl are still wearing the zidane jersey when they go out, trust me, I SAW
mommy gave me some Florida's Natural Juice Nuggets Strawberry Flavour
ahaha (:
so nice and sweet
(i'm talking about the sweet)
i badly wanna watch KRONK'S NEW GROOVE
he's so groovy luh :D
he can talk to squirrels too xD
yes cheryl, i know you love the monster
she's so cool, if only she were a real person, then i'd look up to her
ok gtg, tuition
BUH BYE!!!!!!!!
go italy ((:
Saturday, July 08, 2006

GAHH! how come mauresmo won?
she's so suckish! justin (above) is so much better ,the way she plays is so stylish luh
tsk. julia's not happy
bubble bubble in the tub (:
that felt good
work your body, lemme see you 1,2 stepgoodies make the boys jump on it (:
Friday, July 07, 2006
Agassi played his last match like, a few days ago.
He was really hot when he was younger lah
and he had long, nice, brownish, blonde hair ((:
fa la la la la
ok whatever.
i finally watched Rock Star Supernova, and it's actually kinda boring
but i think it's better for Rockers (:
anywayy, it's confirmed.
and my tummy keeps rumbling, growl
sorry stomach :/
rahh, tmr i have to wake up super early to go for tuition
maths, then science, then art, then drums (:
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
i miss her sooooooooooooo much :/
sorry seems to be the hardest word.
it's kinda hard to see your friends fighting and then get dragged into it because you've been a total "bad person" I;M SORRY FOR ALL THE TROUBLE I'VE CAUSED PLS FORGIVE ME OK?! forgive and forget ok?is it really so hard. well yeahh, the emotional pain will still be there but time will heal.
Dear Lord, forgive us cause we know not what we've done ok, i dunno why i'm acting like some kind of "angel of peace" i'm normally the one to attack first, so just say sorry!!! ya'll arh, cause emotional distress one
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
panic at the disco is highly
ADDICTIVEthks for telling me what it was, nicole and jeannica ((:
Monday, July 03, 2006
i see that there are weido anons tagging the saame message in diff ppl's blogs
anywayy, to further elaborate why i think that portugal will win
it's because their coach is Scolari
yes, and the last world cup when he coached brasil
they won the world cup
seems like this year they're doing a real gd job
hope they'll win ((:
oh yah
America's birthday is coming soon ppl :D
Sunday, July 02, 2006
my world has crashed
brazil lost to france
i was like really shocked, my favourite team of all time losing to some amatuers?
no way guys
getcha head in the game!!!!!
my heart is breaking
but now, i hope that portugal will win ((:
well, we shld always have a back-up right?
and sorry guys, been changing skin like loads of times
there's always something wrong with the coding
or the color's not right
anywayy, the links are working fine now
with a really awesome green as the background, so yeahh, use em since you're here
and MM went ok lah. not as fantastic as i dreamt of
for drums, we've started double-pedal
and the other pedal is uber hard to play because it's new, so it's stiff
so we can't really get the beat right
so the instructor taught us how to beat and fill-in
it's all good ((:
i think i'ma leave long hair
my drum teacher says that i look so tomboy luh
so, yah, beware of long hair dudettes :D