Thursday, August 31, 2006
"'s hard to talk like Paul, cause he's spitting all over the place but I STILL LOVE HIM!!!!"
Paul:AHHHH!!!! :D ok rewind, normal mood yah
good eye sniperi shoot you runlalalareunion today, lazy to blog about it
so just go to other 6ge people's blogs to read about it
i've been listening to the Paul and Nurul radio interview millions of times
and Paul's laugh is so cute xD
"...Yah!! There's like nothing wrong man.......It's love"
i think sam kang is so CUTE!!!
when we were going home, there were these D1 people on the bus
and they were like "We hate Paul"
then i was like angry so sam was all "CONTROL!!!"
ok, i think that my post is so sian today
like, it sorta lacks substance
so, just flush it outta your brain like poo (:
I SHOOT YOU RUN!!!take of the braces and you'll look so handsome
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
good eye sniper, i shoot you runI MISS NURUL MAIDEEN!!!
so here's a tribute to her, she's got such a "nice girl"
look, :D
and we should support her, even though she's
outbecause she's a PL girl and she was in LD!!!
good eye sniper....
anyway, here's a video of the malay song she sang
Dia, by sheila majid
tis freaking song was stuck in my head the whole saturday night
maybe cause it's very jazzy and nice (:
so, just watch
and i'm sorry anisha, if your computer doesn't like watching videos
Monday, August 28, 2006
good eye sniperi shoot you runhokie pokie people!!!!
ok, i shall kindly reply to all of your tags
anisha-HI. Lol (: yeahh yeah, you're a "nice gal"
gloria-see you ard too!! :D
shobi-lalala(: love you loads too :D and yes, still going with the paul fringe ((:
debs-try radioblogclub
elyssa-TY LOADS!!! :D
jiahui-you're lame too -_-
sukanya-yes! love for Paul is
everlasting btw, fixed everyone's link alr (:
yes, now onto the REAL posting :D
today, we watched this thai show called "My Girl" during lit
OMGOSHHHH!! it's so feaking sweet :O
i think when Jeab was young, he was so handsome!!!
i just wanna marry him (:
but still wanna marry Paul luh
anyhoos, me and Jiahui were like so touched by the happy ending (:
and she was like "If you liked that movie, you would like this show called Beautiful Boxers"
and i was all "Whatever"
seriously, i didn't know thai movies could
sugarmelt my heart
the same way Paul does (:
as you can see, the new skin that i have is
FANTABULOUSbecause, it's created by the WONDERFUL ELYSSA HENG!!! ahahaha
ty :D
today, during math, i found out that Pea has an imaginary friend, who's totally mixed blood :D
and Pea doesn't wanna admit it.
i shall make her CONFESS ONE DAY!!!
oh yah
iris pek ah
come to my blog, but don't tag
tsk tsk tsk....
NAUGHTY!!! and i'm considered one of your 14 best gfs
conversation between iris and me
J: You know what? I watched this really retarded movie
I: What?
J: There was this lady bathing her baby in a bathtub full of water, then her maid asked her to go to the kitchen cause there was something wrong with the gas. So she went, and she left her baby in the bathtub.
I: Then?
J: Then her baby started to sink
-both of us start laughing our heads off :D
Germaine and Geraldine: WHOO!! she's on fire (:
I: ok, ok, continue!!
J: So when she came back and found that her baby had drowned, she started crying
-both of us look at each other again and start laughing like crazy monkeys
ah pek, my blog doesn't revolve only around obsessing about Paul(:
yet another spastic day in church, with my friend who's got the
huge and SEXY -_-"' buttyou know if you compare the CHMA performance to last weeks performance, PAUL improved (: watch this
Saturday, August 26, 2006

today's a lazy saturday (:
Mystic River :D nice show, but kinda vulgar
anyhoos, came back from tuition and then i watched tv, then i remembered that i had to print that Puppet play thingy, so here i am, blogging.
don't worry cheryl, i printed it alr :D
did some paintings on the computer, but i'm lazy to upload it :/
can you see the picture at the side?
guess who? it's PAUL TWOHILL!!!!
the hottest guy in Singapore ((:
Paul is sexy Paul is cool
Paul twohill you're wonderful!!!
Paul twohill you give us thrills
vote for you? we surely will :D
that's true, he does rock us(:
haha, i know :D isn't he
juicy&hot?since today's kinda boring, i will not blog much
BUH BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thursday, August 24, 2006
if you ppl didn't know, this was one of my previous skins (:
and cause it's nice, i decided to use it again :D
ytd, went to the SI spectaculars with anisha, cheryl, jiahui
and me and JH hugged JOAKIM
anisha and cheryl hugged hady and jasmine... i think
i hugged all of them at the roadshow (:
anisha was poking Paul, saying "Julia, look i'm TOUCHING Paul"
-too bad, she washed her finger ytd night
and while all the of them were crowding around
the hotnessi was busy trying to break his fall
BECAUSE, all of them were pushing towards him and i was just BEHIND him
and he was moving back, and back and back
gna push me off the edge :/
anyhoos, if you saw two fools jumping up and down holding paul flags amongst a neutral crowd, you'd be interested to know that was me and anisha (:
PAUL did super well ytd
maybe it's cause we were there :D
i gotta admit, his momma seems nice (:
joakim smelled great
Hady was crying luh (:
cause his momma was breaking down in the audience
he has a good chance of maing it to the finals
anyway, all ended well
saw twohill's parents, joakim's momma, nurul's sister, hady's parents :D
he's gna be an uncle soonPaul and Joakim didn't do their dance :/
ARGH i wanna steal Paul's shirt (:
ok forget that
BUH BYE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
sorry luh people
haven't been blogging in a while
well, maybe it's due to the funeral and everything
today i didn't go to school because well,
- my ears are blocked
- my nose is breaking down
- so is my throat
- i have a feverish forehead
- my eyes are watery
unless you're blind, you'll notice that i've changed my blogskin.
and it took alot of strength to do that cause my head has constantly been throbbing and i can't breathe properly
sorry bodyenough of the complains and back to business
i normally don't read joakim's blog, but i just finished reading it
and i kinda feel sorry for him
and d'ya know why?
because he feels that it's his fault that the good singers like matt and rahimah are out.
well, technically yes
and because of that, forum goers are trashing him
saying that he's an attention seeker
so this is so much pressure on him
ppl just vote him out
if you really love him, then vote him out
he gets saddened every week when another better singer than him gets out because it's his fault
and since his personal guidiance counsellor is not around (RAHIMAH :D)
he doesn't feel very comforted nowadays
WOW. being an idol is not as easy as it seems peeps.
i really feel sorry for joakim
here's a nice poem
titled "I Got Flowers Today"
by Paulette Kelly
I got flowers today.
It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.
We had our first argument last night,
And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me.
I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me.
It seemed like a nightmare.
I couldn't believe it was real.
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.
I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today,
And it wasn't Mother's Day or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again.
And it was much worse than all the other times.
If I leave him, what will I do?
How will I take care of my kids?
What about money?
I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.
But I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
Today was a very special day.
It was the day of my funeral.
Last night, he finally killed me.
He beat me to death.
If only I had gathered enough courage and strength to leave him,
I would not have gotten
HOW SAD. please stop beating up your wives, angry husbands
sad, abused wives, pls report to the police about your abusive husbands (:
thank you for your cooperation
Saturday, August 19, 2006
YAYNESS!!!! i went to yet another road show with debs
just that everybody was pushing and squeezing, and i couldn't get an autograph
and do you know what Paulie Waulie and Joakim did?
they decided to share their dance with everybody!!!
so they did it on stage
but it was a new one that they made up
kinda like a pole dance (:
so effing sexy :D
guess what>
Paul cut an inch of his hair so now his fringe's shorter
and Jasmine was such a copy cat and decided to do trim her hair too
anyhoos, Paul's fave coulour is red
not that we don't already know that
and joakim's first kiss was in KINDERGARDEN!!!!
how sweet
ok not much to blog about so i shall just leave now
we wanna show you our dance :D
Monday, August 14, 2006
Paul's band's called Ecnerret (:
cool name :D
anyhoos, found a video of when he was in CHMA '05
Ecnerret won in CHMA '04
so yepps (: watch it
his hair was short then xD
can see his handsome face
Saturday, August 12, 2006
SAY SAY SAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!i can't help but use Paul's LINE :D
he's so cute luh. i dunno
the more you look at him, the more you LOOOVE <3
him and think he's charming
she just like called me to confirm
OMG, love you loads (:
anyhoos, i can't stop thinking of Paul
i think he's so HANDSOME
i don't even really know why i adore him
teenage obsession
Paul is so effing cute luh, and his hair
was all bouncy when he curled it on the spectaculars
and he's so funny :D
always joking around, like when he told the story about his mother
bringing him to the Padang for NDP.
people reading this, pls vote fer Paul
not only cause he's so effing cute:D
but because he can sing
and even though he's not really displaying it well right now
he's DEFINITELY got the potential to make it :D
argh, i was so effing nervous when he was in the bottom two :(
so, what i'm trying to say is....... VOTE FOR PAULIE WAULIE!!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
today, mr quek was just plain sick and kept picking on me over and over again :/
just because i know the lyrics to the PCD and BEP songs. tsk. teachers
today i felt effing angry and sad and jealous all at the same time
anisha would know why (: Paul obsession issues.
fer me and her so that's good
then we'll be like twins, carrying it to SI roadshows and to drum classes :D
History and Lit test was hard
after the test i felt that all my brain power had been sucked out
so did anisha, so did everybody else
i was just scribbling down the answers for the source based Qs really fast
anisha was like panicking on the spot
her hyperventilating always cracks me up :D
she cried because of Paul today
i really dunno why
during history presntation, she started laughing like siao
then she sat down and started crying, and she told me because she'd cry whenever she hought of paul.
not in a bad way, she was just too amazed by his charm (:
after that, me and jiahui met debs, pea and delaneeeeeeeeeee at heartland :D
the fries were outta stock so we bought corn :/
which was like totally not worth it
then we I bought clips and stuff, so did pea and debs
then LATER, jiahui bought hotdogs. i think that was more worth it
went home and here i am now.
make sure you vote for PAUL!!! he was almost out :/
gtg (: BUH BYE!!!!
the frog makes funny faces
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Paul is your soulmate. |
You truly love Debbie. |
You consider Karen your true friend. |
You know that Chevvone is always thinking of you. |
You'll remember Jiahui for the rest of your life. |
You secretly think Anisha is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times. |
You secretly think that Cheryl is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker. |
You secretly think that Pearlyn is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that she changes lovers faster than underwear. |
You secretly think Judith is shy and nonconfrontational. And that My Sister has a hidden internet romance. |
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
i took this quiz that was talking about what positions my friends have in my life
and it said alot of crap luh
unfortunately, today i'm too effing lazy to put it in this post
so yeahh. go wish for some pixie dust ((:
today we had the day before national day celebration and it was so freaking short
not relli considered a celebration ain't it?
anyhoos, after school, pearlyn asked me to stay back and help her choreograph some stupid dance moves for the sec 4 guzheng farewell thing
so, out of kindness, and for the sake of fun, joy peace and laughter, i stayed and helped her
chev, deb and eunice stayed back too
half of the thime that we were there, we were playing with the tortoises and eating cotton candy
then some retarded teacher barged in and saw us eating and threatened us
she practically saw debbie usng her phone and didn't even say anything, then go and comment about us eating
maybe that's the reason for her horizontally challenged body shape :/
after choreographing EVERYTHING, we went down to the b ball court and half played basketball, half played noob ball ((: fun cause we all ganged up against debbie, even chev
oh yah, me eunice and pea belong to the "Honey stars team"
then later it switched
me, pea and chev were in the "Bully Debbie cause she's worth it" team. double laughs (:
anywayy, debs and chev went to marine parade to eat sushi or something, so the two lambs xD, pea and me sat down in the middle of the court and played games and talked (: then they walked me to the bus stop. i waited so effing long luh, managed to buy my MILK SWEET :D
went home and saw emily as she was walking to the MRT with a whole bunch of other cedarians (: then she went to my hse and played with my dog. she left and then i had tution. ARGH, didn't go to heartland with jiahui, cheryl and anisha to get my beloved fries. WTH, till next time ((:
feed the tortoise till it's full
Monday, August 07, 2006
i think that the
all-american rejects have a really good drummer
now, i can finally play the whole of
dirty little secret after only two weeks!!!
which is approximately 2 hours!!!
and i just found out the name of my drum instructor, i think his name's Zuhair or something like that.
but i call him Zu, cause that's what he told me to call him
I think that it's really weird how i saw the
two porcupines on weds and thurs but i didn't even see them once today
they're SHO CUTE!!!
lately i've been chatting with my sisters friends
and they seem to like me ((:
think i'm crappy but cute
kayy, gtg
sister needs to use the com
oh yah, i need to comment about todays weather.
cloudy and really windy ((: i like it that way
it's been a long time since i played in the rain
Saturday, August 05, 2006
I saw two porcupines on weds and fri. Me and jiahui started laughing like crazy :D they are so cute!!!! so short and spiky. the same height and the same hairstyle xD
Thursday, August 03, 2006
i am not the one who's dwelling in the past. Whatever you've heard ain't true dear, cause I've found new friends and moved on. I'm sure you have too. That's good to hear (: so if we could just forget about it and move on, life would be
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
this is a reminder to all who don't know-
BRING YOUR CALCULATOR TMR!!! :Dfor geog test luh, need to calculate and stuff. ok gtg watch the repeats of he lan chun. and you know whats on tv today?
SINGAPORE IDOL so rmb to watch. and vote for paul and Noodle!!! BYE funkilicious people (:
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
today i was so frustrated cause you know why?
lets see, me, cheryl, grace, dorothy, tricia and jeannica were walking home tgt, like we usually do. then all of us, except tricia walked cheryl back to her hse. so we were walking, walking, walking. i turned my head around then i saw the 317 bus. and i was shouting "317'S HERE LUH. RUN RUN RUN!!!" so basically, we ran to the other bus stop. believe me, we ran alright. all of us were outta breath and tired and sweaty and everything. ONE BIG PROBLEM. we were so tired that we didn't flag down the bus luh
after the bus drove pass us, we were standing there, in the dust, shell-shocked. OMG. then grace started doing her "HAHAHA, MY FACE TURNS ALL RED " laugh and then we all laughed. riiiiiiiiiiight :D
anywayy later. the 136 bus came and an old lady was having difficulty gng down the bus. she also had an old friend helping her. so dorothy was all "Let's go help the old lady" and the rest of us were like "SERIOUSLY?" thinking that we were like those stupid kids featured in the primary school CME text book. so we DID go and help. she was so poor thing luh, couldn't even walk down the first step. BUT SHE CLD SPEAK ENGLISH WELL.
then everyone on the 136 bus was looking at us like we were heroes who saved the day!!!! YAY! pl lites have saved the day ((: ok, poverty project- didn't do no nothing. PLS TRY HARDER!!!
in the bus, we saw a picture of grace that looked like she was wei lian. serious. she was strumming her guitar and her eyes were half closed. for more info, ask jeannica (:
like we have telepathy or something :D