Monday, October 30, 2006
PRISON BREAK IS THE LOVE!!!And you guys said it was dumb :(
Wentworth Miller is SO HOT!!! (a.k.a Michael Scofield in the show)
And best of all, he's smart too cause he graduated from Princeton, Ivy League (:
His mom and dad were graduates from Yale and both his sisters are Lawyers too
But our dear Wentworth Miller (The Third) wanted to act, so he auditioned for the role ad GOT IT, just five days before the preperation of the show
Both smart and a good actor, that's something new for Hollywood :D
He's so freaking smart in the movie,
tattooing the blueprints on his body and finding Fibonacci to get into Abruzzi's P.I
And he's such an endearing brother!!!
TTTKA Michael Scofield!!!
I don't know why, but just a minute ago, I felt very very pissed
AHAHAHA, look at the concentration in his eyes
Tomorrow is the day of auditions, heard that the sec 1s micht not be asked to audition but just watch, to get the feel of SYF.
don't think it's true though (:
Mommy was reluctant to gimme the 50 bucks for the purchase of the bunny bag
And if you guys are still going to Hougang Mall on Wednesday, it's time to put my plan to action :D
YAY! Michelle Leong has a blog (:
GREAT! More contributions to the blogging society
Balla Baby!
Though his parents could've thought of giving him a better name
that was passed down from his grandad, he's still not only brawn but brains too (:
See ya soon :D
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Didn't go shopping for pants in the end
Because I was so tired after dance prac plus, I didn't sleep
wellSo the minute I came home, I plonked onto the sofa and slept (:

HAHA! That's Ashley Roberts, my fave member of the band. She actually looks better in the PCD Music videos, but this is the best unrestricted picture that I found. I want the PCD Knee-high socks :( They striped. Just in case you were wondering... you can get them from the online PCD boutique :D
HOOKAY, today, dance prac was pretty slack for the girls, cause the guys spent most of the practicing their part cause Mitchell wasn't there to guide them, something like that
Kah Jun was complaining that he was having menstrual cramps -_-
You know you might be having the same problem as Jarron; Gender ConfusionAnd, you stupid freak, throw my own shoe at me, haha, luckily I hit him with it in the end :D
Told him that he'd probably punctured his stomach from all the break dancing
Haha, I'd lke to see him go to the guineacologist
after he called me a fierce ahlian, like WTF LAH
Then, Bong go disturb me while I was playing the piano with Iris
Then the piano went haywire and there was something wrong with the keys
everybody was totally freaking out, then Ms Liang helped to fix it (:
Saving me and Ah Pek from all the trouble :D
Then stupid Bong went to pull my rubber band out :(
"Eh eh, look at iris!!!"
1st issue: Sorry guys, don't know whether
I'll be going to the sleepover/slumber party
But we'll see in due time
2nd issue: I don't wanna go for LD auditions
I don't know where it is in Trinity Methodist
I don't know what time to be there
Right now, I think that LD sucks
And it fails to nurture the Sec 1's talents
HELLO?! We only got 1 friggin point for CCA cause it doesn't organise much competitions whatsover :|
I've got butterflies in my stomach thinking about the LD auditions
I haven't even read through the thing properly
But why do I need to go if they don't let the Sec1s act?!Oh man, I'm becoming like Kah Jun
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Sleepover at Michelle's house
Bringing: Chocolate... right?
Videos: Probably,"Unbreakable" and "Bring it on"Guess what?
I don't know the venue, and I forgot the date
Today, THANK THE LORD, my mom finally brought me out after incessant begging
But we didn't get pants, cause she said we'd get it tmr :|
Today, we went to P.S and something very hilarious and stupid happened
My mommy was waiting for me at the escalator just outside the doors of the train
While I was waiting for her at the escalator to P.S
So we waited for each other for about an hour
And I tried calling her so many times but she forgot to bring her phone (Oh, Mommy)
While waiting for her, I saw many people
#1 Jie's friends Jamie&Jaslyn
#2 My cousin
#3 Johanna (My ex-church mate)
#4 Jamie&Jaslyn coming back from P.S ( That's how long I waited D: )
THE HEROES OF THE DAY!!! Huimin, Jeremy, Rachel and Rebecca. They saw me, talked, blah blah blah. Then they went into the station and saw my mommy there, then they told her to go up and look for me.
Although I've been pretty angry with her for the past few days,
Going out with her is like going on a joy ride
We went to buy stuff, then I bought shirts and she bought jeans ( How ironic )
There was this really cool indie shirt that I considered getting but the color was yucky, so in the end, I didn't get it :|
After that, we left, she headed to home and I headed to United Square
I didn't really enjoy class today, so although I could be early, I stayed in the MRT station for about 10 minutes
Then I walked super slowly U square
Stopped a while to watch the kiddies programme at the basement level (:
Twas fun (:
Then I headed to Celviano
I was super pissed at Zuhair, my teacher
I don't really know why, raging hormones?
Everytime he was talking, I tried to look at the time, ask debbie for the time
And he's so stupid lah, keeps forgetting what he told us the previous weeks
I kept thinking "Wah Lao, stupid idiot lah"
That's why I left as early as I could, 6:30 on the dot
I know, sometimes I surprise myself by what I doBut, me and debbie found out that we might be on tv
because next week some camera crew is coming to video tape us D:
But maybe they'll realise that I have talent and hire me (:
Then, stupid Zuhair wants us to perform at some concert thing :|
Somehow, he always tries to make us perform, when we really don't wanna
And, he plays the bass so exaggerated lah
I don't know why, but I don't like him now
Debbie will be like "Julia Lam what is wrong with you?"
That's what she always says (:
I told her that her acne was clearing up, and she said that the statement I'd made was true (:
YAY! NO DRUM CLASSES ON 10-18. WHOOHOO!!!ZOMG, I can't believe I just said that D:
Friday, October 27, 2006
I'm in a desperate fashion emergency,
I can't fit into any of my old pants anymore D:
Partly because my booty's getting bigger, but it's also cause my hips are wider :(
I can't believe I'm blogging about this
And all my jeans are being washed, so I have nothing to wear
Most of ya'll know that I wear jeans everytime I go out
I would die wearing a skirt D:
If feels so airy and disgusting.
Things you can't so while wearing a skirt:
- Play the drums
- Run around and play catching
- Dance
- Sit cross-legged which is probably the most comfortable position in the history of "Sitting on the floor"
And the worst thing is, that whenever I hint to my mommy that I am in real need of a few more pair of pants
She doesn't get the clue
And she was like "Do you wanna try my old pair of jeans?"
At least give a "Ask Judith for her jeans"
I feel like dying :(
She always goes out with my sister to buy stuff
while I, on the other hand
Have enrichment classes the whole day, literally, the whole day
Isn't Saturday supposed to be a day of rest
I think that's the whole reason WE DON'T NEED TO WORK/SCHOOL ON THAT DAY
Whenver I wanna go out with my mommy for shopping she'll say
"Julia, I don't understand why you can't wait for whatever you want to buy. You must always get it immediately"
And now when I tell her that I don't have any bottoms, she says
"Now then you tell me that you need pants"
Please tell me if I'm being ignored or not
Then, whenever we go shopping
She'll always say
"Hey, this is a nice shirt/skirt/sweater/whatever, Judith will look good in it"
I feel like laughing at myself
And what I'm craving for right now
Are striped long-sleeved tees, striped long socks, and a bunny bag :(
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I feel very worried for my sister
Her eye got infected, and now it's really swollen (like a balloon )
And she's always stood up for me whenever I got scolded, but I don't really recall me standing up for her D:
She's had it much tougher than me too.
I feel guilty :(
So here's a prayer for my sister
Dear God, please heal my sister's eye. And do it quickly too, because sight is really very important (: In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN
Now, I feel better, so we can blog about other things now (:
After school, me, Jiahui and Cheryl went to Shell to buy some stuff
Then, we stayed there and talked while waiting for the rain to lessen
After that, Cheryl's maid came to pick her up, and me and Jiahui went to the bus stop to catch a ride home
Yup, that's about it
I saw 'Soul Plane' and 'Beauty Shop' again (:
Sleepover at Michelle's house
November 9-10
I'm bringing.... actually I don't knowAnyhoos, It's gna be wild (:
Because, the whole gang's staying over
And the equation is
Hope we don't trash the hse :|
Ok, gotta hop
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

DANITY KANE!!!I love Danity Kane
And my favourite members are Shannon and Dawn (:
Shannon's looking
HOT :D (The one in black)
Aubrey should've kept her hair blonde :S
Anw, they all hawt and great dancers, so they all good (:
Today was hilarious, we had this Christmas Service
And at the end of it all, we were all singing our hearts out to Christmas Carols
Doncha just love the Christmas Season.
I have to bring a stupid bucket tmr :(
But heck, as long as it's the last day of school, Miss C's treating us to B&J icecream and the school's giving us free meals from Macs,
I AM TOTALLY FINE WITH ITBut if they don't, I'll scream (:
Hey, what's the worst that can happen?
Oliver Goodwill is so fcking HOT
In case you guys forgot, he's the guy from the Evanescence video
And why he looks like a wolf, is because Amy's s'posed to be Lil Red Riding Hood
Ok, take care hippies (:
I'ma holla!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
TAKE CARE YA?!The tomboy injured her leg D:
So poor thing :(
Because of the
stupid rugby game
We went to Candy Empire which was such a freaking waste of time and moneey because it was so crowded
And we could hardly breathe :|
I bought liquorice in rasberry flavour and it sucked like hell :S
Vivo city is so stupid, I don't know why anybody would go there
I would've expected it to be better since the last visit
But, we shall wait till the craze simmers down, then go there and enjoy oursevles (:
I saw Cassandra the cute tomboy
She sprained her ankle :/
Now I'm watching Goong and mommy wants me to go downstairs to eat
So this is a short post
Go to other people's blogs for more info (:
told you i would change another skin michelle (:Yo, stupidity, go get a life (:
Monday, October 23, 2006
Today was FUN FUN FUN, and i repeat
FUNBest of all, there's no freaking school on
TuesdaySo, me and the rest are going out on a "Eating spree"
All those who aren't broke
yet are totally invited to come (:
Walking home with Cheryl, Dorothy, Grace & Tricia is loads of fun
Today, there was a freakishly fat lizard in the garbage bin outside Cheryl's house and we were all screaming our heads off like monkeys when Tricia lifted up the lid D:
Then, a few of us ran to the road,
where we nearly got knocked down by this
red Jaguar (:
The guy was peering at us
EEEEEERILY!Ytd, there's this boy that I've known for, say 3-4 years
His name is
JarronI've never noticed this till ytd, but now that I realise it
I have a feeling that
He did this weird gay dance during dance prac
and everybody was all :
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAThen again, he took this neoprint with two girls,
i repeat, only two girls (: (btw, found that when I took his wallet)
i feel sorry for Jarronbut, whatever (:
Anyhoos, during class
me & anisha were doing this Rapper talk stuff
It was hilarious :D
But I'm so much better than her. HAHA!!!
The only thing she knows is "Get your fcking ass outta here"
Mine is wayyyy better
(:But, I shan't say, if not some Afros will hit me :S
Looking back at the past year
Goodbye sugamamas,
Rmb to brush and floss!!!
repeat after me
Stupidity: They talk back and they'll get it from me
Jamie & Julia & Iris: -rolls eyes
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Managed to do research for the PSI thingum :|
It's so super boring, and the exams are over
But they still expect us to do it and present it in 4 days
And the stupid government site that I went to
caused my comp to crash
ARRGH!So I went to a different site that's really weird
but i managed to get the info in the end (:Today was effing tiring,
againwe had to go down all the way to the big, ugly field
and sit on
garbage bags to prevent our
BUTTS (: from getting soiled
We were so freaking scared of the tiny insects in the grass
So we built a
garbage bag fort and squashed them
whenever possible
Our class played against the
lovely girls of B2
We won first, but then we had a rematch
because the so-called "un-biased" referee
didn't play by the rules -_-
B2 was still in the wrong but they won
there wasn't supposed to be any interception allowed
but they still did it and ugly Miss S changed the rules last minute
Rugby-d with D1 and won :D
They're not fair either
But, I shall not say anything about it (:
Then we played with B2 again and they won again :/
By, of course, breaking the rulese again D:
After that, we went to class and played
TAI DI!!!!I won (: HAHA
No gambling in class people.
NO GAMBLING!!!Got our class photo back.
Everybody was autographing everyone elses
Julia Llama HEE :D
Went home, tiredly
cause I'm
STILL sick D:
Oh my starry eyed surpriseI didn't expect
Dodgeball: The Underdog Storyto be so hilarious!!!
The first time I saw the name, i thought it would
be another one of those stupid shows about how people
get inspired to play the game well by something or someone :/
put on some butt creamI LOVE THE TV :D
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Today was really really really headache-y
I came down with the common coldEverybody cld tell because I'm usually not very
quiet-Headache, headache go away, come again another day
little Julia wants to play
Headache, headache go away D:
GrrrrrrJulia feels very angry now because she sounds like a monster
due to the awful soar throat :
Today in school, we mostly played
taitee :D
Hey, with uno cards
So technically, we ain't really gambling
Recessed, and then we headed to the hall
To play instruments with the team that was performing (:
In the end, we won
2ndBecause Cheryl, Mabel and Minlin sang really well
At least better than those
sluts that couldn't sing for
NUTSTmr's the big game of RUGBY!!!
Don't really think that we'll be able to win
because I know that some of the girls from
other classes
are really rough like
Sukanya Ramanan :D
Anyhoos, I was looking through the pictures that DAD took
when he went back to Canada (:
Nice nice pics
There are deers, squirrels and wild rabbits
running around on the lawn
Gtg concentrate on Project Runway
Somebody did something wrong ):
Goodbye Sugamama (:
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
SORRY MICHELLE LEONG!!! for getting your cards confiscated D:
We'll all try to get you new ones okay? (:
And I'm sure that Anisha, Tricia and Dorothy are sorry too
Anyhoos, today was a long, tiring day and me, Mel & Shorty didn't manage to sleep at school :We had some course to learn how to manage our money, most people weren't lisening, but I kinda was.
Well, it
WAS useful after all, you know, stock investements and budgets.
Then we had to attend some "Personal Grooming" thingum, twas boring too
To sum it up, 3/4 of today was boring.
EXCEPT FOR THE LAST PART!!! Where we played taitee (is it spelt like that?)
Anyhoos, that was where those bullshit prefects "stole" Michelle's lovely LOTR ltd edition cards :I think they just wanted to keep the cards and play with them (look at the amount that they collected from the other poor students?!)
So did Alicia's dumb Mrs T >:(
Lunched at Heartland with Shorty
Went home, and then i plonked onto mummy's bed with Spongebob Squarepants still acting gay on the tele D:
I'm getting sick ; sneezing, soar throat, phlegm
Medication doesn't even help D:
HOOKAY, better go rest and drink lotsa water (HAHA, like I ever do)
Asta Lavista sugamamas (:
Monday, October 16, 2006
New skin today (:
Actually it's IRIS' old skin luh
But, I felt I needed a change, and I couldn't find no other nice one.
Today, TLL was held in Paris 1
And Paris 1 is also known as "The boss's room"
Because the principal of TLL uses that room
Believe me, it is fantastic!!!
Better than all the other Paris rooms that use the glass walls as the white boards
And it's not that TLL is cheap, believe me, they're filthy rich
It's the design luh
This room had a really nice carpet, so when we went into the room, we had to take of our shoes D:
No biggy luh
And if you left any stains on the tables with your pen ink, you had to clean it until it came off
That's just child torture man :/
Anyhoos, I haven't been buying icecream for the past few months
That's good :D
I can save money (:
Today, this fantabulous band came to our school and performed
AWESOME, hundred thumbs up
In class, after telling Melissa&Jiahui did their best to explain the
dumb story of "Goong" to me
And after I laughed like a maniac at the name "Goong" -giggle
We all were really tired and slept, good rest with friends
But, I expected myself to be more active luh but whatever
Goodbye sugamamas (:
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Oh gees, I'm really tired today.
Slept three hours but it still wasn't enough, feel really tired
My internet connection was screwed, so I had no choice but to use Messenger-which i really hate now.
Since I'm so tired, I'm gonna make this short
Debbie, I can't pay you back.
How can I pay you back when I don't even have the money?
I'll try paying you 10 bucks
I feel like I'm being hunted down by loansharks all over the country:
Deb, Mommy, Tuition teachers, friends
Oh man, I don't like it AT ALL
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I miss you shobi shobana banana D:
I've been pretty lazy about blogging for the past couple of days
This was due to :
1% Lack of sleep
2% Being too lazy
3% Being too addicted to watching the tele
HOOKAY, this is for the people that I've made angry or hurt in the past year.
I'm sorry. I have a problem being nice to people that make minor mistakes and hence the tendency to overreact about it.
And for someone that has drifted away from me so far in so little time, I DON'T LIKE YOU AND YOUR BADITTUDE. Period (:
On a lighter note, I've given up 70% hopes of marrying Paul one day, so NOW, I'm settling for Christopher, the guy in my dreams :D
I know what you're thinking Anisha, so DON'T SAY IT!!!!
YOU OWE ME 40 CENTS, I paid you 11 bucks luh :/ cheat me
Prissy poo poo still remembers that I am her grandaughter!!!
And my maid went to throw away my unfinished Tolblerone choccies :/
And it caused me $1.10
I love Keane, they are so magical when you put them on a stage in Europe.
Ok, I don't feel like blogging -never did- so, I'll leave now and watch TV
BYE SUGAMAMAS!!! Stay sexy :D
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I had a seriously weird dream that I was 20, and I was getting married.
The dude's name was Christopher, and he was a rocker with nicely dyed red hair (like Miss Chan's) and some highlights, like Lindsay Lohan in 'Freaky Friday'
Many piercings, one on his nose, tongue, multiple shots on his ear too
The funny thing was, Paul Twohilll was at my wedding, and he wasn't married at all.
I didn't even know how he ended up at my wedding, anyhoos, Cheryl and Anisha were there, along with some other people that I didn't recognise.
It was really weird, because Christopher was the lead singer/guitarist of some famous band in Singapore.
Anisha was married to some guy called Mark and Cheryl was married to
PATRICK!!! Anisha's Patrick.
To cut a long story short, the future seemed really unpredictable and I ended up dumping Christopher and cancelling the wedding, because I had a feeling that he was gay...
So he was totally heartbroken, and I still didn't know about the mistake I'd made.
Anyhoos, back to the present.
The aircon people came, so we had to move stuff to make space for them
Found some pictures of when I was young, and we were all in Canada. HAHA :D
I still remember that I was so afraid of going swimming!!!
Good times :')
OK, play hard yo sugamamas :D Keep it funky!
Never Date a Libra |
 Indecisive, flirtatious, and downright deceptive - your Libra will tell you what you want to hear. Problem is they'll be telling everyone what they want to hear.
Instead try dating: Pisces |
Friday, October 06, 2006
hee (:
I'm so happy that I have friends that make me feel better when I get bullied by big, scary, Sec 4 pai kia people ((:
If you want more info, ask me personally.
I'm also really happy that I have friends that go out with me to Junction 8, watch "John Tucker Must Die", are the loudest people in the whole cinema (which was full of teenagers, so you can imagine how loud we were) and eat their hearts out.
Yes. And we've just found out that Grace's sense of taste is really bad.
Tricia concocted a plan to put salt and pepper in Grace's water, and she couldn't even taste it when she drank her drink luh. -__-
John Tucker, nuh, not that hot. And I'm talking about the guy that acts as him.
But overall, we were really rowdy and enjoyed ourselves a crapload.
The movie was fun too (:
Arrangement (from innermost to outermost): ME! Anisha, Tricia, Cheryl, Grace
Anisha, we were the noisiest people there. HAHA, at least we managed to laugh no matter what.
And I don't know whether you guys noticed, but the three boys behind us were amused with all our laughter - probably thought that we were funny.
Then, we headed to Seiyu to try on stuff, because it was a really big place and no one would notice. But i guess we were kinda noticed :|
Headed to Swensens, chowed down Apple Crumble and some fudge thing...
I can't remember the name of it, because Anisha, Cheryl and Tricia were ordering.
I was taking pictures with Grace's phone, and Grace was... I don't know, looking at the gay guys next to us?!
Then we went to shop for earrings! HAHA :D
Bought this funky spiral thingum, which we spent so effing long to decide which one to buy.
Went to the food junction to let cheryl eat some sorta special noodle.
I liked that part most, because the place wasn't really crowded, and they played "Chasing Cars" there.
HAHA, we were all singing, and I like it when people sing along with the song together (:
OK, that's alot for one day. I'm really happy that the Eoys are over. Gotta go! BUH BYE!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
OH SHIT! There's something wrong with iwebmusic
And my computer keeps having the "Send error report" thinga majig :|
THERE'S NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY due to the oh-so-lovely marking day
That's a good thing ain't it?
6 down
1 to go :D
Let's have a girl's day out (:
My Aunt Pam can't put those cigarretes down, so now my little cousin smoking them cigarettes now, his job trying to claim that he too niggerish now, is it cause his skin blacker than liquorice now?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I just realised that I post more consistently when the Eoys are around.
Anyhoos, tomorrow's Science, and I'm still at Chemistry.
I managed to talk to Prissy Poo and Sharon Pok
Both of them ain't in our class so if you guys don't know who I'm talking about, then forget this
And naughty Pris/Ahma smacked my butt today. (See, it IS sexy after all :D)
Nonsense posting again
5 down
2 to go
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Hello world, and all who inhabit it (:
This new skin looks fantabulous.
Today, the Geog paper wasn't say,
EXTREMELY hard, it's just that I was such a fool to do all of the four questions, when we were supposed to do only three.
Iris (for once) is right, I am a MORON D:
My tuition teacher is downstairs, tutoring my sister.
I'm supposed to be studying for the ting xie that she's gonna give me, but NO.
Julia Moolia has her butt superglued to the chair in front of the computer table.
Again, nothing much to blog about
Maybe it's the exams, cause now we go home immediately after the paper so that we can revise, so there's not much things that happen in school.
A typical exam day is pretty much like this :
1% Arrive at school
2% Assembly
3% Silent reading/revision
4% Head to class for exam
5% Do the paper
6% Finish the paper
7% Head back to home sweet home (:
Yes, the glorious day of an exam :D
HOOKAY, I'd better go study for chinese ting xie (ecspecially since none of us paid attention to Wang Eight Eggs)
Take care sugamamas! We've only got 3 papers left, and a whole lotta studying to do!
Don't forget to bring the
fun into the Eoys! :D
Holla! <3
Monday, October 02, 2006
What's up homies?!
I finally managed to watch the whole of "Be Cool" and "Beauty Shop"
Those shows are really nice :D
Daddy came back from Vancouver and bought me a couple of things
1% A wallet
2% Two tees
3% A custom made box thinga majig
4% A stuffed toy (: (you can never have too many)
Jimmy's mother went to Capitol Hill to fill her heart up with joyThe test today was ok. But I think I wrote crap for the Cinderella question. :|
Nothing much to blog about so, there you go.
Take care yo sugamamas. Stay happy and bring the funkk into the Eoys :D