Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I seriously think there's smthg wrong with me D:
I always seem pathetically sleepy in class, and i'm not so lively or whatever, i think school friends shld know
RAHHH, what if i'm having mono? LOL (:
ok, lemme see, these past few days? A blur
SaturdayWent for tuition in the morning, lazed arnd in the afternoon, went to masterlife at night! HAHA, Masterlife is soooooooooooo formal, i thought it'd be a session where we shared what we really felt abt God and more spiritually enlightening stuff. But I s'pse knowing the Word well is better, in some ways :D, I guess i'm the kinda person that likes to talk. still, i'm happy (:
SundayChurch in the morning till early afternoon. I was sooooo sleepy and soooooooooo emo, didn't talk much to the fivesome D: cause i was so tired! RAWR! To add to the stress, there was an english test on monday and a chinese test on friday. Slept alot later, and i cldn't sleep at night D:
MondayBack to school ): English test was fairly easy. Took me a while to nderstand the whole thing cause my brain wasn't functioning well- SLEEPY D:
Tuesdaywhich is today, i found out that i've just lost 3 and a 1/2 marks in the chinese test D: stupid cheng yu.
Love, Julia (:
Friday, January 26, 2007
I feel fat, lazy and tired
But at least i excersised ALOT during PE, i even sacrificed lunch to play that superbly addictive rope skipping game.
at least Miss S was nice enough to let us stay in the hall and use the stage to do the jump rope thing :D
Love you Miss S (:
I think we all burnt loads of cals during PE. skipping and all, me&alicia are planning to bring a skipping rope after all the tests t PLAY!
The maths test wasn't tht bad after all, or maybe I'm just fooling myself.
Don't worry Pea, you'll do just fine, we aren't total morons
At least Mdm C was nice enough to go thru the topics before the test (: made us feel more confident
Fer bio, Mrs P showed us this weird video of heart operation, haha, twas interesting though. Lotsa ppl were shrieking cause they cldn't stand the sight of all the blood clots and fattie substances.
haha, those ppl cannot become doctors anymore, LOL
I am so cheesy
after school, had to stay back for LD, had the sec 1 orientation thing
to tell you the total truth (which is pretty brutal) the sec ones suck, all so weird, no respect and are sore losers
come on man, LD's abt the fun, not winning, if we all won, everybody wldn't be winners anymore.
we'd all just be losers that way
i miss drumming, haven't done it in weeks, so next saturday is a day to look forward to
but then i'll have to rush all the way from United Square to church fer masterlife
whoopee, i can't wait to be late repeatedly and get the boot
Thursday, January 25, 2007
After days of intensive listening t Bling Bling 1 & 2, I realise that th ppl who pick th songs that are s'psed t be in the album always pick th same ppl's songs
maybe it's cause those ppl always have great songs (:
they always pick ppl like Missy Elliot, Justin Timberlake and Brandy, so I hope that there's gna be a Bling Bling 3 :D
tmr's maths test, and i only revised fer 30 mins ytd D: get ready for total failure ju
but like Pea said, "We are not complete idiots" haha, yeah true. sitting with her fer maths is damn entertaining, cause we always show our hate fer th teach.
I pity Chong though, haha NOT!
ok, back t the maths test situation, i know i shldn't be using the comp, but i had t find the websites for the SYF sound. D:
MSN is freaking me out again. this guy i don't even know and haven't even met is flirting like a perve,
COMPUTER CRIME! you are not replying, making me wonder if you got hit on th head and got robbed while unconscious ): I REALLY NEED T TELL YOU SMTHNG!
ok, on a lighter note, the lit drama thing is going well, although me and Anisha are really crappy
SYF is weird cause the coach seems t have PMS every week D:
We're struggling w OM, seriously, i think i'm not creative enough ):
anw, gtg try t mug fer maths test tmr, see ya hippies!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I got this quiz frm Iris' old blog (: HAHA, gd times :D
Birth date: 29th Dec
Current Location: Singapore. D:
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: JET BLACK!
Righty or Lefty: right! although i'm supsoected t be left :O
Zodiac Sign: rooster
LAYER TWO: ON THE INSIDEYour heritage: Chinese, but I'm not cheena (:
Your fears:
themYour weakness: i buy things on impulse D:
Your perfect pizza: banana w chocolate & marshmallow pizza (: ze best
Your Ambition: I'll either become a pilot, or marry a rich dude! :D
LAYER THREE: YESTERDAY, TODAY,TOMORROWYour thoughts first waking up: I hope it rains today.
Your best physical feature: EYES!!! at least that's what ppl say
Your bedtime: IT AIN'T FIXED DUDE
Your most missed memory: P6 '2005
Pepsi or Coke: Coke. -BURP- oooh, fizzy (:
McDonald's or Burger King: MACS!
Single or group dates: groups :D HAHA LOL
Adidas or Nike:
I Dream
Sports :D adidas la
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Don't really drink em, nestea la
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla! duh D:
Cappuccino or coffee: I'd prefer a latte
Smoke: NO!
take a shower: DEFINITELY.
Have a crush: 2 actually :D My dear Mr.Miller and Mr.Timberlake
Think you've been in love: With GOD? yeah...
Want to get married: not sure yet
Believe in yourself: yup
Think you're a health freak: no, i splurge on choccie (:
LAYER SIX: IN THE PAST MONTHDrank alcohol: I don't know
Gone to the mall: YES
Been on stage: YES
Eaten Sushi: OBVIOUSLY
Been dumped: NO.
Gone skating: nope
Dyed your hair: no
LAYER SEVEN: HAVE YOU EVERPlayed a stripping game: NO
Gotten beaten up: nearly, but not yet (:
Changed who you were to fit in: nope, i hate ppl who do that
Age your hoping to be married: haha 23/24?
Best eye color: grey :D
Best hair color: black dyed dark red (:
Short or long hair: SHORT
1 MINUTE AGO: answering these questions, DUH!
1 HOUR AGO: sorting out ma itunes
1 DAY AGO: BIO........
1 YEAR AGO: coming home frm school?!
I LOVE: my life
I FEEL: reluctant t go for tution
I HATE: THE ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :D {answer's same as iris}
I HIDE: nothing?!
LIVING IN CANADAI NEED: sleep, desperately
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I NEED T LOSE WEIGHT!!!! seriously, after the height&weight was taken, i literally stuffed my self like a pig, school friends shld know. On friday, i was being extra piggish and ate this humongous chicken drumstick, eggs, Snoopy potato chips, nerds, and alot of other stuff that's high in calories. I WILL START TO DIET!!!! Ok, here's my plan, I'll only be allowed to take plain water and diet coke. THAT'S IT, and i'll try t diet at dinner. But i won't be like those anorexics that skip meals everyday, I die die must have my breakfast (: Then I won't be such and idiot as breakfast=brain food :D oh yes, exercise is important too.
I just realised, that i've yet t do my masterlife D:
yes yes, I'll do it
toodles (:
Friday, January 19, 2007
So after a long week, I've decided to post some stuff and let you hippies know abt how th new system is killing us and we shld all just drop dead. Bio is irritating, Chinese is not understandable ( I seriously DO NOT know what she is saying, cause she's from China) Lit is WAY TOO FAST! We don't even have time to analyse the book properly. We've done 12 chapters in 2 and a half weeks. WTH?! AND! I CAN'T FIT A SLOT INTO MY SCHEDULE FOR CHI TUITION
Anyhoos, PE cheered me up today :D we had t dance DISCO!!!! ALRIGHT! And I found a boyfriend on the handout that Miss S gave us, his name's John Jackson!!!! And he can do The Hustle damn well (: Seriously, I didn't know disco could be funner than when Becky brings her Ipod and starts dancing to YMCA!!!! But, yeah, it's sooooooooo, i repeat, sooooooooooo groovy (: (yeah baby. LOL) Miss S is a seriously gd dancer, she can shake her booty like no one's business!!!!
The second thing that made me happy was REHEARSALS FOR SYF!!! I think the whole things starting to develop real well ( : AHAHAHAHA!! THE MUSIC CREW ROCKS HARD! anw, me and chev were laughing like siao cause Richa's always so superbly funny during rehearsal. Dancing to Doncha and all the funny shit! Debs was at the corner going "Huh?!" Ok, gotta go do some Lit proj thing, toodles (:
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Today we had LD rehearsals, so Anisha, Debs, Chev and me were inside the room watching the first part of the play. Vicky acts so well la, I was so freaked out when she was "scolding" Limin. Anyway, I realise whenever I'm around the
M sisters I feel superbly high and all WEEEE!!!! But other than that, I just feel depressed. Seriously, I do not know why, not like I have many problems or anything. I have nice, fun, retarded friends, good parents, no financial problems, so WHY AM I FEELING THIS WAY?! And everytime I hear Pop/Rock or whatever music that involves an electric, I have headache and feel like puking. GRRR D:
All I know is that I have till Friday to find sounds for SYF and, all the sound effects that I've found all cost like 2 bucks and above.- Man! Should've asked for help. Whatever. Ok, I have to brush up on my Korean and Japanese, whenever I speak Korean, I always make it sound like a Japanese word! Melissa is so dissapointed! HAHA. Anyway, wish PL luck for SYF and pray that me and my team don't screw up!
Love, Julia :D
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Periods can be such freaks to girls. Well, because:
- It gives us zits (Yes, Anisha, that explains my face)
- It makes us feel bloated D:
- It makes us think that some guys are cuter than they really are
- It makes us feel that some guys are STUPENDOUSLY annoying, when they really aren't
- We feel gross and disgusted
- We can't go swimming unless we wear a tampon, which is so darn sick
- We feel awful for no reason
I haven't really been sleeping well for the past few days, that's why I've been feeling so tired and whatever. Ushers songs make me feel contented on the inside. I haven't been listening to many rock tunes recently, so I don't feel like playing the drums alot. Hmpf, I'm losing my skill really badly D: Recently, people say that they've noticed a change in me. I don't know what they're talking about! Could it be my intellect? Mentality? Physical appearance? (I did grow taller you know) Personality? Haha, you tell me.
Anyhoos, I need t go pack my room
Toodles (:
Thursday, January 11, 2007
sorry everyone that i pissed off on msn today. pms-ing i guess. sorry
you, who took all my crap and didn't get mad. and sorry to
you who i sorta ignored and didn't bother to talk to much. that's all
you haven't told me yet, i'm not gna give up
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
THIS IS THE 112TH POST!WHOOOHOOOO, alright Ju, you rock (: LOL I dunno why, but I keep watching
The Devil wears Prada millions of times, I just keep loading it into the DVD player. (HAHA, YES ANISHA DEEWEEDEE) But, it's not like I haven't watched it, I went t the cinema t watch it for heaven's sake D: But I like the cinematography :D
HOOKAY, guess what? I'm blogging today because I'm gna be on hiatus! WOW, but I don't think I'll make it. I think this new homeroom system's really stressing all of us out. During reflection period, ppl are all catching up on h/w and studying or something. Usually, my class would've been throwing broomsticks ard the classroom, or maybe paperballs out the window. Smthing weird la! I dunno. Anw, To put it simply, one of those ppl is me, AAAAH. I'm turning into a study freak.
Maybe it's cause the words:
Get into the triple science class has been knocked into my brain. :D But, getting into that class IS good. And Miss Sem, a.k.a PCK'S wife has been blabbing bout BIO non-stop for 80 mins. OH MA, I'm gna die soon.
It's like, we're learning the digestive system now, and we have t learn all of the enzymes and their functions. But we can't blame her, we DO have t finish 7 chapters in 8 weeks plus do our revision f the CT.
And ytd I blogged abt the missing passport photo, I found it in my old wallet. HOW DUMB?! Being class treasurer is really not a very merry situation. 1st of all, we only get 1 point f the CCA thing, and 2ndly I have t deal w money. Believe me, ppl are damn serious abt money. Once you go wrong somewhere, YOU DIE! Bang, gunshot.
D&T is seriously shit. But we found this butter glue thing, where the butter comes out like the gluestick and you spread it on your bread just like glue, only IT'S BUTTER!!!! haha, WHACKO IN THE HSE.
Take Care ppl. Ju's not gna be ard f a LONG LONG TIME. But if you see me online tmr, means i quit my hiatus (:
Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In love with the two
Ok, I dunno why, but I keep wanting to dance today. I hate school. I miss the hols like CRAZY! And I realised that whenever I'm to find something, or I feel very urgent (not in the PEE kinda way), I'll keep hearing The Black Parade in my head. Funny eh? Wang Xue Ping wants all of us to bring the passport photo of ourselves to school, but I can't friggin find it?! So how? And I'm a commitee member la D: HOW?!!!
Been searching like crazy! And why does she want it in the first place lah?! Not like our faces are so damn pretty. I feel stressed and this is only the 5th day of school. WTH.
Homeroom system is just making us more tired. When I come home, I feel like sleeping! HAHA, I'm glad Pea changed place w my previous pard (can't really rmb her name la) now, PEA'S gna get in DEEP SHIT cause she's the Maths monitress and we're always despising the teacher (; and not paying attention. Ah well, so much for starting a new year. But hey, we're all humans aye?
Kah Jun is making me feel like shitting. I dunno why, maybe the thought of chocolates. But, chocolates has absolutely no relevance with shit. Maybe my brain's been screwed up by the school! YES THAT'S IT! ALRIGHT! I'ma cut my hair. Like whose? China dolls (: AHHH, and I managed to offend a Pai Kia yet again. Well done Ju, Well done.
Bye my funky hippies! :D
Friday, January 05, 2007
ALL YOU HOT&SEXY BABES THAT LOVE TO ACT OR DEBATE, PLS JOIN THE PL ELDDS YA? YOU'LL HAVE LOADS OF SENSELESS FUN, WHICH WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH LIKE AN IDIOT WHILE WALKING HOME. BELIEVE US, WE KNOWOk, yes ppl, CCA fair's tmr but I ain't gng cause I have tuition. D: The new school's like a prison, so everytime I look at the railings, I think of Prison Break. And obviously hot Mr.Miller (duh?!) And on the first day of school, they made us walk all the way frm Serangoon Gardens t Lorong Ah Soo. And, believe me, seeing 4000 girls crossing the road one after another isn't a pretty sight if you were a driver.
My FT is the DM. How exciting, but Mrs TEE doesn't even talk or act like a DM, she's really nice and perky (: plus, she has a cute surname. HAH! Now, our school's using the Homeroom system D: it's where we have to walk to the teacher's class instead of them walking to ours. And b'cos we don't have any lockers yet, we have to lug our damn heavy bks all arnd the school like idiots. And,we aren't gna have CA or whatver, only common tests and class tests, so we only have three terms of tests and each term is 33.3%. Then, term 4 we'll just
I got sick. I got sick because I ate Anisha's noodles. I got sick b'cos I ate Anisha's noodles and she was sick. And now I have soar throat and I sneeze alot :( RAWR! Chubby told me that he saw a girl in Topman or wherever that looked exactly like Jamie :3 whatever?! EGAD! tmr's schedule is packed packed PACKED! I'm gna be so tired on Sunday. Anyhoos, stay funky ya'll, rmb to take your vitamins cause I didn't take mine and got this sick D:
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

look at her. ain't vintage ladies gorgeous? i think so too (:
My hair got cut by my aunt. WOOHOO, how exciting. Now I look like an idiot who tried to experiment with scissors and got it all wrong D: And school's gna start tmr and I look like a retard.
Ok, Retro night was awesome, the Mozzies were great and the food was nice. Good job guys (: But right after that, new year's eve started t suck.
alot I mean, like dude, if you like her, just admit it. Be a man. Don't go beating ard the bush?! One day ppl will find out aye? Don't go saying that it's a brother and sister kinda love. /: I was like damn pissed la! This situation is kinda like, you telling me that you ate something delilcious for lunch, and I ask what? But then, you refuse to tell me. Dumb eh? And all this while you were faking that you didn't like someone else, and denying it. Oh man, I am losing it. But why am I so pissed in the first place when I'm not even involved?! OK, I am so losing it :\
I'm in the mood for some JT